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What kind of business are well fitting ? (Entreupreunership)

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Dear all,

This issue is of principle nature. Good for your business, or for your everyday life. This concept has proven efficacy and truth.

Therefore, I beg you to read more seriously, open your eyes, heart, and your mind , to be able to truly understand a basic concept, in your efforts to achieve quality of life you want.

Okay, we start it? Ready?

We all already know that the only way to generate residual income, is to do with leverage. When you 100% of income generated by yourself, then you will always have to work with a limited income.

How long you can work in a day? 24 hours is the most that can be used by someone to work (assuming that the person concerned does not sleep!).

There is a reason why, 80% of people whose income is equal to or more than U.S. $ 1 million are business owners, they do leverage!, When you have your own business, then to leverage your time, effort, responsibility, and your expertise to others.

If you have 20 employees who work for you, then you have 20 x 8 hours = 160 hours a day to make money for you. While true, you are only able to work 8-16 hours a day. That is the leverage (in the context of business of course)!

Therefore, it is important for an entrepreneur to be able to choose the best people working for them. Because by having the best people is "the process of leverage" to occur more effectively and efficiently.

However, there is another problem: what if your competitors grab your best employees? Or what if your employees to resign and run a business similar to your business?

It is a fact that is not very convenient for the employers when faced with the fact that the best talent, resigned from the company to own and run a similar business!

That is, often, entrepreneurs create and build "competitor" of its own! Ironic is not it? Ironically, the best employees who have the initiative to run their own business. Employees who are mediocre in quality, tend to be complacent and take the safe course ..! Worse, indeed!

Is this the real intentions of most people who say they work just to find the experience? they learn how to run a business, all technique, intrigue, customers, etc, for then they come out and establish their own businesses are similar, and ultimately threaten the survival of your business?

In addition, many people who own their own businesses, must accept the fact that they are bound, and married to their business. Businesses 'own' them - fully complicated!

Why is that? Because in the end, nothing is more concerned with your business, but yourself!

Therefore, to gain real leverage, you must have a structure where everyone has the opportunity to earn the same income.

A structure-to my knowledge, there is only the network marketing industry. Why is that? Why network marketing, anyway?

Because the existing structure on a network-marketing industry, enabling everyone to have the opportunity to earn and the same award!

Odds that the people involved early is always better off, is the assumption that erroneous and unfounded. It's a pyramid system, names!

The simple logic is, if the existing structure in network marketing is only beneficial for those who join early, then of course the network marketing industry will never get a license to operate (legality) anywhere in the world.

Want proof? Call me buddy ..., I will explain all, more simply, performance in detail, and it makes sense, why network marketing structure that provides equal opportunity for all people.
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Ditulis oleh: Jerry - Minggu, 26 Juni 2011

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